Friday, October 16, 2009

Veronica's Whisper Intro

A few years ago, I received a divine message outside of my own head, into my left ear, actually. The divine message was whispered urgently. I could hear the messenger’s breath on my left ear. The message was,

“Hear Veronica’s Whisper”

This message stopped me in my tracts and caused me to think about my life. I allowed myself to review and revisit my experiences, my story. I was especially interested in revisiting the unexplained and mystical experiences of my life. And when I could no longer say to myself, “Well that’s just one of those things,” and pack those experiences away in a box in the basement, so to speak, I decided to honor them and bring them out of the darkness.
I have done this. I have reviewed journals of all kinds, dream journals, diaries, weird experiences journals, my own memory, and the short stories that I have written over the years, which were inspired by my experiences. What I think that I have discovered is that there’s a whole lot more to me than I ever imagined possible. I think we all sometimes wonder what our purpose is. I certainly fall into that category.
I wonder who it was that saved my life on several occasions, and I wonder why my life was saved. And I came to the conclusion that it was for some greater purpose. I have a feeling that this greater purpose falls outside simply living and breathing, doing the laundry and cleaning the house, and working so that I can buy more things.
I am a seeker. I have searched most of my life to understand the greater meaning and my higher purpose. I don’t pretend to know or understand much of anything, really, except that I have this “knowing” that there is so much more to me, to all of us. I’ve had enough unexplained experiences to support this. I have talked with non-physical entities. I have received mystical messages. I have experienced and felt divine energy. I have been healed physically and emotionally by divine energy. I have experienced and remembered past lives. I have had ghostly encounters. I have seen and talked to the dead. I have seen and talked to the angels. I have seen, experienced and talked with St. Michael, St. Raphael and St. Thomas. I have been shown how to holographically create a copy of myself and heal myself. I have been told and shown the way that our justice system will evolve. My life has been saved at least twice in unbelievable, unfathomably ways. Jesus has come to me many times and talked with me. And there’s so much more.
As I’ve gotten older, the urgency to understand my own experiences has become increasingly more prominent. So instead of hiding my stories away somewhere, I just decided to tell them. I don’t know what my stories will mean to anyone else but me, but it is my heartfelt prayer that they will have some positive effect on those who listen to them. I hope that listeners will revisit their own stories with new eyes and from a different perspective and find or rediscover their own magnificence.
The one thing that I am learning is that we are all magnificent, divine beings, doing our best to remember who we really are and working hard to connect to our hearts and our souls. Well, I am learning, as we all are, I suppose. I hope you enjoy the stories and journey with me through all of them in the order that I experienced them. I hope that you receive a multitude of gifts from listening to these stories and that you are entertained, as well.
Abundant Blessings to All, in All Ways and Always

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/1

Here, you can listen to each of the stories in Part 1. You will learn immediately what the significance of the title, Veronica's Whisper, is. There are many stories in this series from the earliest of my recollections. I urge you to watch and listen to the stories in order as they set the foundation for subsequent stories and experiences.

You will find that the experiences that I recount here, gain momentum in later years. The experiences that I've had intensify leaving me to wonder, "What is really going on here?"

The link to the introduction and first story is here, on I hope you enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/2 - The Raven

When I walked around to the back of the car, I noticed something far up the alleyway, something flying. "It's a bird," I thought to myself.

It was a strange sight, especially at night. But it was flying, closer and closer, directly toward me. It made a silent landing, not more than 4 feet from where I stood. It folded its wings to its side and turned its head and fixed its stare upon me.

I was paralyzed as this 4 or 5 foot black bird towered above my 4 year old frame.

To hear the rest of the story, it's here, on YouTube. I hope you enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/3 - Three Little Girls and Me Makes Four

She appeared on the sun porch, the all-windowed sunroom my mother converted into a beautiful play room for me. Her hair was so black, it was blue when the sun hit it. And she said to me, "Wanna play?"

When I said "Yes" she added that there were two others with her and asked if I would like to play with all three of them. "Yes, oh yes, let's all play," was my resounding reply.

I don't know how many days or weeks or months they continued to come and play with me. I only know that they came and stayed long enough to teach me the things of the heart. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

You can listen to the story here, on YouTube. Enjoy

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/4 - Katie Mom

After Katie Mom, my great grandmother, died, my mother and grandmother told me that Katie Mom was in Heaven and that she wouldn't be returning ever again.

But when I was playing outside on my swing set, I saw Katie Mom up in our attic window. She was watching me, smiling at me and waving. I jumped off my swing and stood there watching her. I waved back. Then I flew inside the house, yelling at my mother that Katie Mom was back!

You can listen to what happens next on You Tube here. I hope you enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/5 - The Spirals

In kindergarten, when I was 6 years old, I constantly and very consistently drew one and only one picture with my crayons. I drew a plateau; brown on the face of the geologic formation and grass, above on the top. A beautiful lady stood atop the plateau, looking off into the distance to something we couldn't see. Her arms were spirals.

My teacher stopped by my desk one day and commented on yet another of my drawings, commenting that it possessed the same elements of all those she observed previously. She said to me one day, "Kimmie, what's this drawing about?" I looked up and answered, "It's Utah." She asked me, "What's in Utah?" I replied, "The lady."

To hear the rest of the story, tune in to YouTube here. Thanks for watching and enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/6 Charlie

If there ever was a pure essence of love in my love, his name would be Charlie, my grandfather. Charlie knew the things of the heart. In the short period of time that he was present in my life, he imparted such love to me, it brings tears to my eyes just remembering him or whispering his name. I hope he knew what he did for me. I don't know that he knew it at the time, when he walked this earth with me; certainly he knows now.

Just want to share the essence of Charlie with you, too, here on You Tube. Thanks for watching. Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/7 - The Spaceship

When I looked out our small kitchen window, I had to rub my eyes several times to convince myself that what I was seeing was real. There, in our backyard was a huge, gray, oval craft hovering about 30 feet above the ground. There were no lights, no little gray men with big eyes.
Nonetheless, the craft hovered, disappeared, then reappeared again.

I started yelling for my mother to come out of the bathroom so I could show her something.

Find out what happens and watch the story here on YouTube. Thanks and enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/8 - The White Orb

It initially appeared as a "white orb," a tiny speck of light on the wall of our living room.  It increased in size and continued to do so as it seemed to move completely out of the wall.  It looked like a round ball of fog.  It hovered and stayed visible for quite a long while.  Finally it disappeard.  As I talked on the phone with the boy I liked at the time, it reappeared.

"What do you think it is, " Jeff asked?

Find out here on YouTube and view the entire story.

Veronica's Whisper Part II/1 - The Blinding White Light

I was married to my high school sweetheart and our beautiful little baby boy was sleeping soundly in his cradle. We were all sleeping. Suddenly I woke out of a sound sleep. An incredibly blinding, white, intense light consumed our bedroom. I panicked a little as I thought of our son and bounded out of bed to check on him.

Listen to the rest of the story on YouTube here.

Veronica's Whisper Part II/2 - The Mysterious Beings

I decided that since I was hearing a lot about meditating that I would try it. Although I was clueless how to achieve a state of meditation, I created my own version of meditating.

My eyes started fluttering, then fluttering more, until they were violently fluttering. My eyes were fluttering to much that I was helpless to keep them closed. Whenever they would open a little, I could see a small army of larger-than-life, white, opaque beings surrounding my bed.

Listen to the rest of the story on You Tube here. Hope you enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part II/3 - A Haunting on Chisholm Trail Part 1

We would come home, walk inside, and hear cupboard doors slamming shut, other doors in the house opening and closing, footsteps, voices, parties going on in our living room.

The activity in the house increased the closer we got to moving out.

Read what happens next on YouTube here. Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part II/4 - A Haunting on Chisholm Trail Part 2

Others heard and experienced the entity in our home. We even suspected that the owners of the home knew that there was something terribly wrong with this house, but never wanted to share this information with us.

Our house sitter refused to come back into the home again, ever!

View the 2nd part of this story on You Tube here. And Enjoy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Veronica's Whisper Part II/5 - A Haunting on Chisholm Trail Part 3

When I reached for the toilet paper, something caught my eye.  There was something red pooling on the carpet just inches from my feet.  I couldn't imagine what it was.  Then I looked up and onto the wall in front of me.  And what I saw defied all that is reasonable.  I couldn't get out of the bathroom fast enough.

Tune in for the conclusion of The Haunting on Chisholm Trail Part 3.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part II/6 - Jesus Comes to the Dance Hall

I saw something walking toward me in the vast, empty parking lot.  It was a person.  But the closer the person got, the more I realized that the person was part bear, part gorilla, and part human.  It stomped and snorted and wailed.  And it was coming straight for me.

I couldn't seem to open the door to my car, so I tried to hide underneath my car.  I watched the hairy, clawed feet of this thing stomp all around the car, occasionally beating its fists on the roof or hood of my car.  Finally it tired and left.  But just as soon as I emerged to unlock my car, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

 Find out who's hand I felt and what happened next on YouTube here:  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part II/7 - The Abduction

I was just about to lay the plates of food on the table when I heard the special news report about the little girl in San Antonio who had been abducted a few days before.  I listened.  But, suddenly, I was no longer standing there in my dining room listening to the television.  In an instant I was in a car, in the passenger's seat, driving along on a familiar stretch of highway in Wimberley, Texas.

Read on to see what happens here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part II/8 - The Tumor is Gone!

I knew, I knew even before my first appointment with this Chinese Medical Doctor, a master accupuncturist, that my tumor was gone.  I had had this bleeding tumor for over two years, and it was gone.  I just knew it.

My suspicion was confirmed when I returned to my regular doctor and he confirmed for me that the tumor was indeed gone.

Listen to the story here on You Tube.  Thanks for listening.  Enjoy

Veronica's Whisper Part III/1 - Finding the Diamond

I am free, free to explore everything about me, everything about everything.  But I am still experiencing this residual sadness that I feel so much of the time.  I found that when I ventured outside my little cottage on an errand of some sort, that I would become overwhelmed with this feeling of sadness.  I was so sad, that I would be sobbing as I drove my car to my destination.

One day when this happened again, for the billionth time, I just got mad.  And I got mad at God.  And I just started screaming at Him, screaming all sorts of things to Him.  And He spoke to me.  He heard me and responded.

Listen to what He said to me here on You Tube.  Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper Part III/2 - Honoring Liz & Bob

For a lot of years I held my mom responsible for how hard she was on me, how critical she was of me and how emotionally unavailable she was to me.  But, I recently discovered something.  Find out what it is here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part III/3 - It's Love, It's Love

Some years ago, I took a "Dream Class" offered by a friend of mine and fellow innkeeper.  In the last class, we were all anticipating the discovery of who our dream guide or spirit guide was.  Our teacher conducted a guided meditation to discover, meet and recognize our dream guide.  Further, we were instructed to ask one question to our dream guide, and the question was, "What do I need to grow?"

Listen here to find out who my dream was and what his answer was to my question.  Thanks and Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper Part III/4 - Near Death Car Accident

As I approached the intersection to make my left-hand turn, out of nowhere appeared a cream-colored, Mercedes Benz sedan, coming straight for my car.  He was going at least 80 miles per hour, if not more, and ran the red light.  At the moment of impact, my Jeep Cherokee rocked, like something had merely "bumped" it.  The events that followed are still, to this day, unbelievable, even to me.  And I was there.  I witnessed this.  I was IN my vehicle.  And I lived to tell this story.

Watch and listen here on You Tube to what happened.  Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper Part III/5 - Near Death Drowning

I went over the waterfall, head first, in a noodle, one of those long, spongy things that you can float with. The force of the water, pinned me to the bottom of the river, face down.  I noticed that I was not moving.  I was stuck in between two, stalagmite-like rock formations.  I was calm, oddly enough.  I never thrashed.  And I had no fear, although I knew that if I didn't get myself out of this situation, I would drown.

Listen here on You Tube to the entire story.  Thanks for listening and Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Veronica's Whisper Part III/6 - The Garden 1

I laid down to meditate and shortly after I got into that really nice, quiet place, the big toe on my right foot started to hurt.  And it was getting worse.  I thought perhaps the devil had me by the toe.  I'm not sure why I thought that.  I suppose it was because the pain in my toe was so severe.   So, I silently said, "Get thee behind me, Satan."  The pain worsened and it got so bad that I thought perhaps I would need to abandon my meditation and get up.  Then it occurred to me that perhaps God had my toe, that this pain was something else altogether.  So I said to myself, "Okay Lord, you have my attention."  And the pain instantly left.

Simultaneously, however, my toe turned into this huge tap root that traveled down through my mattress, through my concrete floor and into the earth, deep into the earth.  Then the voices came to me.  Find out what they said here on You Tube.  And Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper III/7 - The Garden 2

The miracles started occurring immediately after I committed to plant a garden.  An inn guest arrived one day, approaching my garden fence as I was working there.  He announced himself and I recognized his name.  I was expecting him.  He had made a reservation for the weekend along with his daughter.

I was sitting on my behind in my garden, and I was using my bare hands to work composted manure into the soil.  And I was filthy.  When he asked what I was doing, I replied that I was planting a garden.  Then he asked ,"Why?"  I thought that was such a strange question.  But it gave me the opportunity to either tell him the truth or shine him on.

Watch and listen to what I decided to do.  I bet you can guess.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper III/8 - The Sword

There were seven of us, seven students learning from our Asian master teacher the ways of battle.  In our final class we were so excited to receive our weapons, but there was a final lesson to be learned.  As it would happen, it was the most important lesson we ever learned.

Watch and listen to the entire story here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part III/9 - Lucy the Pit Bull

Lucy the Pit Bull was mean.  Every so often she would either break or slip out of her chain and kill a cat or jump a fence to attack some other neighborhood animal.  She even tried to attack my walking partner and thankfully my German Shepherd stopped her.

On this particular day, however, I was walking home from our daily walk when I heard Lucy's owner screaming at the top of her lungs to me as I approached my driveway, "Kim, look out, Kim look out, Oh my God, Kim look out!"  I felt strangely calm as Lucy jumped into the air to attack me.

Watch and listen to what happened here on YouTube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part III/10 - Before You Were Born

When I decided to finish my little cottage, I wanted to choose someone special to do the finish work.  I decided to contact a young man who I had known since he was 5 years old, the son of a friend of mine.  When he agreed and we had agreed on a price for the finish work, I was thrilled because it made my little cottage all the more precious to me knowing that someone precious to me would be doing the finish work.

Brian called me the day before he was to begin the work.  There was a slight glitch.  It was his weekend to have his little three-year-old boy and he said that he could do the work, but did I mind babysitting while he worked.  While I hadn't been in the company of a three-year-old little boy for many years, I replied with a resounding "Yes" and added that it would be great fun.

After I exhausted all the games I knew to play with a three-year-old, I asked Christopher a question that I had no prior intention of asking.  And what came out of my mouth not only surprised me, but horrified me at the same time.

Watch and listen to see what the question was here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper Part III/11 - Past Life 1

When I began to die, I recognized that I had done this many, many times before.  And when I smelled the sweet scent of death, I welcomed this beautiful experience and gracefully slipped into another place.

This is a beautiful story, and one that is special because, when I came out of this meditation, I had a physical manifestation that confirmed this experience.  I still have this physical manifestation and you should be able to see it on the tape.


Veronica's Whisper III/12 - Past Life 2

After the bad man stabbed me, I floated out of my body.  I wanted to enter the man who killed me.  I just wanted to understand why he killed me, but there was nothing there.  The man had nothing inside of him, nothing at all.  He was a big void.  So, I never got to understand why he killed me.

Watch and listen to the entire story here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper III/13 - The Visitor

When I answered my doorbell at my carport gate, I came face-to-face with an old man wearing an open plaid shirt, a baseball cap, and he had chewing tobacco smeared up alongside his face.  He had the bluest eyes, the color of the sky on a cloudless day.

He sat atop a bicycle and in passing my little cottage, he admired my garden.  He stopped to ask me if I would share some of my green bean seeds with him.  When I set about returning to my kitchen for a small baggie in which to put some of my seeds to give to him, some strange things began to happen, one of which was that when I opened my pantry to grab a baggie, I became paralyzed and that's when the miracles began to happen.  That's when everything changed.

Watch and listen to the entire story here on You Tube.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Veronica's Whisper III/14 - The Dedication

When I was asked to perform for the Emily Ann Theatre dedication, I was honored.  And I endeavored to find the "perfect" monologue to perform for this very special event.  I read numerous plays, I scoured through mountains of monologues and I couldn't find anything special enough for this event.

So, I meditated, asking my guides for some help.  "They" told me that it would be to everyone's highest good if I chose something from "me."  I resonated with writing something special for this event, so I began.  But, nothing came, not even a good idea.

Two nights before the dedication, I still had nothing.  So, I prayed to God, this time, and told Him I needed some help, and fast.  He sent me a dream that night.

Watch and listen to what happens in the dream and at the dedication here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper IV/1 - Healing Work

After I received a vision and a message telling me that I would help heal the world, I remembered what my Grandfather Charlie had told me when I was a little girl.

I became attuned to the Reiki Energy and became a practitioner.  Later, I studied with Dr. Eric Pearl and became a Reconnection practitioner, as well.  It became apparent to me as I practiced these healing modalities with myself, my family and clients, that I was beginning to receive visions while doing the healing work.  I would receive all sorts of information. After becoming a Reconnection practitioner, I began experiencing something else altogether.  And it was all good.

Watch and listen here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper IV/2 - The Dumbfounded Dentist

I hadn't been to the dentist for 7 or 8 years.  My walking partner and good friend had just taken a job at a fabulous dental clinic nearby, and my friend encouraged me to make an appointment.

I loved the dentist and all his staff immediately.  Although I had no cavities, the dentist announced that I had advanced periodontal disease.  Further, he said that I needed surgery.

Well, I decided that he was mistaken, and set about, not doing much of anything really, to change the course of treatment that this wonderful dentist had in mind for me.

Watch and listen to this whole story here on You Tube.  It's a fun one to watch.

Veronica's Whisper IV/3 - The Giant Cross in the Sky

When we exited the movie theatre, we were stopped in our tracks by this enormous cross in the sky.  It was displayed directly in front of our line of sight.  One other man had stopped as well, and the three of us stood there, transfixed, observing this most rare sight.  There must have been close to 100 people who passed by us, some looking up to see what we were looking at, but disinterested, moved on.  We were actually amazed that not more people stopped and viewed this heavenly spectacle.

We stood there, unmoving, for the better part of 20 minutes.  We finally got to our car and began our 30 minute drive home to Wimberley.  And we watched the cross on the drive home.  It seemed to move higher in the sky, and the closer we got to Wimberley, the more it looked like it was positioning itself over the village.

Watch the rest of the story here on You Tube.  Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper IV/4 - The Ball of Light

While I was waiting for my husband to pick me up from our Country Inn, I quietly began reading a good book from a well-known author.  In the chapter I was reading, the author recommends doing an exercise designed to "call back" a part of the soul that has been sent away (more detailed explanation in the taping).  I completed the exercise, a guided meditation of sorts.  When I opened my eyes, I could see that my husband had just pulled into the driveway and was meandering his way up the drive to the house.  I knew this, because I could see the headlight of the car.  I bookmarked my book and thought, "What great timing."

As my husband neared the inn, I noticed that the headlight of the car did not stop in our driveway in front of the house.  Rather, it continued across the driveway and up on the step to our front door.  Suddenly the door flew wide open and there sitting upon the threshold of the door, approximately 18 inches off the floor, was a big ball of light.

Watch and listen to the rest of the story here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper IV/5 - Who is Upstairs?

The impish activities upstairs and in other parts of the house continued.  We often heard a child laughing.  But, after an incident when one of our guests had her shoes wrenched out of her hands as she was descending the stairs, we knew we had to get some outside help.

I called a good friend of mine, Lisa.  Lisa is a channel, phychic, medium and does healing work, as well.  Lisa knew IMMEDIATEY who was upstairs and instructed me as to what to do.

Watch the rest of the story here on You Tube.  Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper - IV/6 - The Hologram

During one of my daily meditations, I had a vision.  A being appeared to me and he identified himself as Michael.  And this being had a body, like yours or mine.  But he was wanting to show me something about how we can heal ourselves, and he illustrated this to me.

He made and copy of himself.  He stepped out of himself.  And he told me that this was so easy to do.  He added that I would do this, also.  I smiled.

Watch here on You Tube and as always, Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper IV/7 - The New Justice System

I received a wonderful out-of-body vision during meditation one day.  In reviewing my notes on this vision, I discovered that I had this vision on my birthday, October 8th.  And I think this is pretty neat because I am a Libra, and while I am not a student of Astrology, I do recognize and resonate with the characteristic of being fair-minded, which is presented by the lady holding the scales as the Libran archetype.

I was shown how our justice system will evolve.  I was part of the process as a spectator or observer.  And it was my honor to view this first-hand and to receive the wonderful information that I received.  And I share the information here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Veronica's Whisper V/1 - The Betrayal

I am in a holy, sacred, underground room.  The room possesses great power.  Only those who are immune to using their power inappropriately can access this room.  Only those who use their power for the good of all can access the room.

In the center of the room is an enormous cauldron that is a porthole to the core of the earth.  A beautifully etched and carved metal lid, shaped as flower petals covers the cauldron when not being used.  I am in the room when someone enters, someone who has disguised herself to look exactly like a male member of my family.  She has come to kill me.

Watch and listen to what happens to me here on You Tube.  Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper V/2 - Underground City

I began having a series of dreams where I was seeing pyramids, rock temple structures, and strange symbols that I had never seen before.  Not only was I having the nighttime dreams, but I began seeing these things with my eyes wide open; flashes of differently designed temples, huge round discs with symbols.  I was even being given some messages about what I was seeing.

Thanks for watching the entire story here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper V/3 - Longing to Go

I continued to see visions.  I continued dreaming.  I continued my research, trying to come to some measure of understanding about what I was seeing and experiencing.  The more I researched, the more I came to discover that what I was seeing was in Mexico somewhere.  And the more I researched the more longing I felt in my heart that we needed to make a major life move and find the place in my visions and dreams.  Finally, I just got out a map of Mexico, closed my eyes and pointed.  My finger landed in an area called the Costa Maya, an area south of Tulum.

My husband, prince that he is, encouraged me and announced that we should take some time off and travel to Mexico.

Watch and listen here on You Tube.  Enjoy!
Image Chacmool - Artist Gordon Gilchrist, Studio One Gallery, Cozumel

Veronica's Whisper V/4 - Exploring Mexico

I started screaming to my husband to stop the car.  He slammed on the breaks, causing us to skid a little on this very bad, jungle sand beach road in Xcalak, Mexico.  I was so excited I almost jumped out of the car.  Instead, we pulled into the parking area of a lovely small hotel.  I told my husband, "This is it."  My husband didn't seem to follow.  He replied, "What?"  I said, "This is it, honey.  This is our place."  Quite surprised, my husband answered, "Is it for sale?"  "I don't know.  All I know is, this is it!"

Watch and listen to the rest of the story here on You Tube.  Enjoy.

Veronica's Whisper V/5 - Mexico & Mexico Bound

It was unbelievable how easily we sold two, commercial lodging properties in Texas.  And we were amazed that our appraisal came in at the same value we had placed on our properties, to the penny.

It was one of the easiest things we ever did.  It was as if the real estate angels were orchestrating this.

Watch and listen to the process we went through, here on You Tube.  Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper V/6 - Dream Guidance System

We are now the owners of a small hotel and restaurant in Mexico.  Not knowing the language and struggling to learn a new language and culture was a little lonely for me.  So, I endeavored to find a group, perhaps online, who had some of the same interests as me.  And since I was a dreamer, I sought out a dream group, and found a perfect fit.

I had some exciting and varied experiences during this time, and having the dream guidance system helped.

Find out how I received the Dream Guidance System here on You Tube.  Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper V/7 - The Shaman

Even though I was an active participant in the dream group, I found that my dreams and visions were beginning to diminish.  And I missed them greatly.

One day, as I was half-joking with my husband, I announced, "What I need is a Shaman!"  Well, our little Mexican fishing village does not have a Shaman.  So, I googled "rent a shaman" certainly not expecting to find a shaman in the search results.  But I did.

Watch more about this process here on You Tube.  Enjoy!

Veronica's Whisper V/8 - Saint Veronica

Many things began becoming clear to me, and some things had come full circle.  The Raven that appeared to me as a child returned over 50 years later to tell me what that terrifying experience was all about.

I began seeing myself as a cave dweller, some sort of medicine woman.  And I made the connection with drawing the spirals on the lady who stood on top of a plateau in a place called Utah with the medicine woman.  But what had not come full circle for me, at least up to last year, was this whole business with hearing the woman's voice say to me, "Hear Veronica's Whisper."  Who was Veronica?

Find out here on You Tube.  Enjoy..