Friday, October 16, 2009

Veronica's Whisper Part 1/4 - Katie Mom

After Katie Mom, my great grandmother, died, my mother and grandmother told me that Katie Mom was in Heaven and that she wouldn't be returning ever again.

But when I was playing outside on my swing set, I saw Katie Mom up in our attic window. She was watching me, smiling at me and waving. I jumped off my swing and stood there watching her. I waved back. Then I flew inside the house, yelling at my mother that Katie Mom was back!

You can listen to what happens next on You Tube here. I hope you enjoy.


  1. How do you attest to the fact that actually saw her in the attic? I suggest you saw bats in your belfry... more to come Aunti Kim...

  2. Hi Jen!
    Yes, have always had them in my belfry. We're back in Mexico. Kind of tired from traveling. But all is good. Glad you're following the Bats!
    Aunt Kimmie
