Friday, November 11, 2011

Time Space Series Intro


The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012.

Are we receiving the prelude to this now?  Are we receiving the beginning hints that we are entering and experiencing THE END OF TIME AS WE KNOW IT?

I think so, based upon my experiences of the last few years.

My experiences are proving to me that time and space are not what I always imagined they were.  Time seems to be something that is bendable, malleable, and certainly not "fixed." 

Space, that is, "things" occupying a space in one moment of time suddenly change to something else in the "space" of a moment is a trippy experience but an experience I am having with more regularity.

The following stories are all true stories.  They are illustrations that something beyond what we've ever been taught is, indeed, happening. and it's happening NOW.  What is it?  Are we finally moving into being multidimensional beingness?

To watch and listen to what I suggest, go to YouTube here:

Time Space Series - Being Invisible

After having a scare on the highway driving to Chetumal, Mexico from    our hotel 2 1/2 hours south, my husband and I began to notice that the    landscape had suddenly changed.  There was a sharp glare to everything  around us.  My husband thought everything began looking surreal. 
Once we arrived in Chetumal, is was as if most of the residents decided to leave the city, a city that is typically bustling with commerce and activity, a city of 300,000 people.  Normally, it takes us 20 minutes to find a parking space only to walk 2 blocks to our destination.  But on this day there were hundreds of available parking spaces with a handful of people on the streets.  We saw no street vendors.  We hardly saw 10 people total in the center of the "hub."     
On our first stop into Office Depot, we noticed something strange while trying to pay at the counter where 5 employees worked.  We were the only customers at the counter, and the employees could not see us.
Watch and listen here for the rest of the story.

Time Space Series - The Old Ford F 150

After my meditation, I still felt "funny" as I walked out onto our second-story porch.  I felt as though I had one foot in "this" reality and the other foot in another reality.

As I glanced across the beach road and into our hotel parking lot, there was one lone truck parked beside our office, a "cherry" 1970 Ford Pick Up truck. I stood there looking at this beautiful truck in amazement for a couple minutes, wondering who the owner could be and why they would bring such an old, perfectly restored truck to this  remote part of Mexico, risking it to the salt, and sand and sea air.  When I made my way across the road to find out who this truck belonged to, I saw something else altogether that stopped me in my tracks. 

To find out more, watch and listen here on YouTube:

Time Space Series - Ho'oponopono & The Prayer Shawl



A few years ago, I received the Ho'oponopono Prayer from a good friend of mine, Wendy Stout.  I was working with a lady, at the time, who was of Hawiian descent and I immediately thought that the prayer was sent to me so that I could pass it on.  A few months later, someone else sent me the same prayer and again I thought it was for someone else, and passed the prayer along again.  Just a few weeks ago, as I was reading and studying David Ian Cowan's book entitled, Navigating the Collapse of Time, the prayer was presented yet again.  So, I finally got it.  The prayer was truly for me.

I have embraced this prayer and use it and practice it many, many times daily.  It works in a profound way, not only helping others, but helping us at the same time.  I have also found that when broken or in need of repair inanimate objects are in this prayer field, they suddenly begin working.  And I will include some of these types of stories in the next series.  Nonetheless,  I invite you to use this prayer for it is truly intended for all of you.

As for the Prayer Shawl.  Find out how the prayer shawl wanted to be in service.  This is a fun story and one that surprised even me.

Watch and listen to this story here on Veronica's Whisper YouTube channel.

Time Space Series-Now You See It?

My husband was working in the generator room across our beach road directly beside where our Nissan work truck is parked.  When he came out of the generator room he noticed that our Nissan was gone.  He merely noted it, but did wonder who took it.  He surmised it was probably our manager, Eduardo. 

When our beer delivery came that morning, the delivery guys actually mentioned that they saw and waved to Eduardo in our Nissan on his way to Mahahual earlier.  So, the mystery was solved.  Eduardo borrowed our Nissan.  Even though it was unusual that Eduardo would not tell us he was taking the Nissan, at least the mystery was solved.

However, later on, when the Nissan was suddenly back in the parking space, it was not Eduardo sitting behind the wheel.

So, the story continues here on YouTube.

Time Space Series - Out of Time & Space Distortion

I was meeting with someone for the first time.  We were visiting with each other in a local coffee shop, and when my new friend began telling me about being laid off work, I suddenly knew all about it because he had told me before yet this was our very first time to talk.  I insisted that he had told me all about his work, yet he had not.  However, in some other distortion of time, I already had this conversation with him.

Then, only a few days later, I experienced the distortion of Time and Space again.  I often wonder why these lessons often come to me in succession and on the same subject.  But they do.

I was simply enjoying the two little dogs I was watching for a friend.  I was in my living room sitting on the couch.  The television was on although I wasn't watching it.  My husband had taken a quick run to the store, yet all of a sudden I sat up straight and became quite anxious because it seemed to me as though my husband had been gone for well over an hour and I became quite worried.

The first thing I did was go out on my back porch to see if our car was parked in the driveway, hoping that my husband had returned home without me hearing him.  The car was not there.  The only parking space available in our driveway was empty.

What follows is still difficult for me to explain, let alone understand.  Oddly enough, my husband also had a rather unusual experience at the very same "time" I was having my unexplainable experience.

To find out what happened, watch and listen here on YouTube.